Thursday 11 October 2012

Horse saddle boots- one more demanded accessory among riders

Nowadays market is full of horse related accessories and in list of such accessories horse saddles are at top.  Saddles are now available in various types like eastern saddles, western saddles etc and all such types are created with same aim; comfort of rider and horse.  
Horse saddles are now taken as only a thing for enhancing comfort factor of rider and horse but also the look factor of the horse and helpful in showing economic status of the rider. Nowadays riding boots are also very demandable among riders as this serves multipurpose. Firstly it cares the foot of rider from any type of injury in course of riding and secondly, it gives the elegance factor too to the outlook of rider.
As in case of saddles, it becomes important to correctly fit at back of horse; same is the case with other accessories like horse saddle boots. It must also be perfectly fit otherwise there is a big chance of getting injury by rider in course of riding the horse.
Nowadays saddle boots are made up of several types of materials like cowhide, elk, alligator, snake elephant, ostrich etc but in all way comfort and style both factors are taken into consideration by manufacturers because these two factors are looked by every rider. If you are also thinking to but same, you can find several options in market but here you should prefer only good quality branded boots so that one time spending can be taken as wise spending and wise investment for security of your foot.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Jumping saddle - In use in India from past

Today I went to one of close friend’ house just for gossiping and spending few times talking about our childhood. In course of such talk suddenly my eyes stuck on a wall painting where a picture from Mahabharata was drawn there. The picture was portraying Geeta Updesh and as we know there picture of horse is obvious. I saw there all horses were with wearing colourful dressage saddles I honestly say I got surprised and happy for few seconds that in earlier period also saddles were in existence.

It is really a point to note by all that in India even in past jumping saddle were used widely and there is no surprise if even today it is widely used. After realizing such fact I also came to understood the fact that why Indian horse saddle exporters are so much in demand all over the world. They really deserve to be so in demand after all they are known of it from past very well. I think as I remember not from the time of Mahabharata but in Ramayana epic too horses were found and written about that. Really India is top in list of saddle exporters of top quality and mainly in great affordable price.

In just one second by seeing such painting and realizing the fact I got all the answer of my unasked question about horse and their saddles. Really, a lot of thanks to that painting of my friend by seeing which I got answer to my all confusion.